Friday, April 22, 2011

Christianity is a Community

It is easy to find other Christians, at church! We go to church out of obedience to God's word, and because we know that it is beneficial to our lives, and to our relationship with God. Some people go just out of tradition, but I go because of a desire. The other Christians around me are my community, I go to a pretty large church so it isn't hard to make friends. This isn't the only place I feel welcomed, but it is one of my favorite "communities". These are the people who I know have the same moral based lives, so I know they wont let me down, or give me bad advice, or let me make bad decisions. We worship, pray, read the word, and go through life together. I have the biggest connection to these people, then other people i spend sometimes even more time with. Like my work is another community, and I spend more time with those friends sometimes, but don't always feel the connection, just because we live different kinds of lives outside of the boundaries of the work space. My church community is the most important to me. My friends and my family are apart of it, and really the friends in this community I treat and see as my family. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Whats in my wallet?

If you were to peek inside my purse right now you would find a whole mess of things. There are four pockets all together so there is room for an abundance of items. You will know right of the bat, I am not that organized, I have things tossed about and scattered all over the place. There are papers that are crumbled and keys that are lost. One thing you would find out about me is that I love God, and I love my church. My Bible and my notebook are with me always, along with all of the announcement papers I get when I go to church. Something people might assume about me is that I am very social, I have a few invitations to friends parties, along with lots of pictures of my friends and me.

Something that you might not pick up from looking through my purse, is that I am very sarcastic. I love to have fun, and part of that is messing with peoples heads. I have been told I have a very good poker face, and it is very hard to read me, and if you know me at all, i take that to my full advantage.